exhibitons and news
The book Josef Vašák - And what about you...? was published would like to thank God who endowed me with the ability to feel colors and to create paintings which are born from thoughts, feelings and contemplation. I thank Him for inspiration, the joy of creation and desire for perfection which is incomparable to that of the divine. I am grateful for every day, indeed every breath I take.
My gratitude also goes to Jiří Fogl whose support has enabled this book to be published. Josef Vašák, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, 2014
Zúčastnili jsme se mezinárodního festivalu současného umění v Praze dne 7.-9.9.2018
1.5.2005 ve 14:00 hodin
na vernisáži vystoupí:
flétnový sbor SARABANDA pod vedením Martina Šedy
Rychnovský chrámový sbor pod vedením Evy Hartmanové
návštěvní doba:
Út - Ne 10:00 - 17:00
All rights reserved (c) 2018 - Josef Vasak